Doctor Who: The TARDIS Tavern

Doctor Who: The TARDIS Tavern

Episode 153: Dawn of the Mawdryn Undead

September 25, 2016

After shitting all over Steven Moffat, we're back!  And we want to cleanse our palette with a classic Who story from the Davison era, "Mawdryn Undead".  There's exposed brains, time travel, disgusting bodies, Tegan, Nyssa, a guy with a crow on his head, and a traitorous redhead who talks to his hand.  Joining us is Phil from the Braving Babylon 5 podcast, who graciously stayed up into the wee hours in England to put up with our drunk asses. In the name of all that is evil, give it a listen and find out if it goes down as smoothly as an undead alien gliding through a recreational spaceship, or if it's as ridiculous as mistaking any old charred corpse for Peter Davison.  Spoiler: opinions differ!  Tempers flare!  Garbo laughs! Have an issue with us?  Go fuck yourself, then email us at  You can also follow Sean on Twitter via @tardistavern and Phil via @bravingB5.