Thomas and the Bible

Thomas and the Bible

Latest Episodes

Acts 21-24
March 24, 2016

Saul AKA Paul AKA 2 Chainz is at it again. The one thing that can be said about this episode is there is kind of a plot. That’s certainly new for this show. Things happen and people do stuff but not just in a random boring way,

Acts 18-20
March 17, 2016

I’ve got an axe to grind. Axe 18-20. We get to hear some boring nothing stories about the apostles and there’s some semi interesting stuff in there. Also at one point, Paul is just plain DONE with the Jews. Jews, amiright?

Acts 15-17
March 10, 2016

More adventures of the Apostles mysteriously better at converting people than Jesus! Up for debate in today’s episode: does the omniscient all-powerful god want me to cut off my foreskin or is it ok if I don’t do that? Deep questions!

Acts 11-14
March 03, 2016

This week the Jews finally get what’s coming to them. It’s all about the Gentiles now, baby. One wonders why the Jews were ever the chosen people, if the New Testament is to be believed…

Acts 8-10
February 24, 2016

Today we’ve got some awesome contradiction for you! Remember that whole free will thing? Well it turns out it doesn’t always matter as much as Christians would have you believe….

Acts 5-7
February 17, 2016

Fun episode this week, we get some more tales of the people after Jesus called Jesustians. I think. And then we get a really really long story by some dude named Stephen with an abrupt hilarious ending. Tune in to find out what that was!

Acts 1-4
February 11, 2016

We’re onto a new book with a total sequel name. Jesus 5: Acts of the Apostles! We finally get to learn what happens after Jesus dies for the 4th time. Those apostles have to take up the mantle and get everyone all Christiany as fast as possible!

John 19-21
February 04, 2016

We’re finishing John! This particular account of Jesus’s death features some creative rewrites. It’s much smoother than the last ones. I think the authors really put in the extra effort in their revisions on this one and it’s certainly appreciated by t...

John 15-18
January 28, 2016

Today we get almost to the end of this Jesus nonsense, for the 4th time. Highlights include Jesus telling god a lot of stuff… think about that… he’s God. He’s also Jesus. So it’s an omniscient being telling itself stuff it doesn’t know…  Idiotic on a m...

John 11-14
January 21, 2016

I’ve got an action packed episode for you this week! John has quite a different take on Jesus’s final days. Did you know the devil made Judas betray Jesus? Isn’t Judas kind of off the hook then? Sounds like a victim in all this. Poor guy!