TAMF - Tap and Move Forward

TAMF - Tap and Move Forward

42. Arlo Gagestein - Optimize Your Performance

November 27, 2019

This is my first episode in my second year of the podcast!  The first year was so much fun! and so much work.  Thanks for all the support, downloads, and shares after my first year.  I’m really excited to continue to bring in more impressive and interesting interviews, and I would love some support, if you have something to contribute, time or financial,  the podcast is now on patreon, if you go to patreon.com/tamfpodcast or go to tamfpodcast.com for a link.  If you have any extra time and would like to help with marketing, processing episodes, or communicating with possible guests, I would love any extra help, just email me at tamfpodcast@gmail.com.  
If you just want to support by listening, I hope you enjoy this fun and informative interview with Arlo Gagestein. I was excited and wanted him on the show after I found a great informative section of his book on preparing for a military PT test.  Arlo is a strength and conditioning specialist, licensed massage therapist and owner of Competitive Edge Fitness in Ogden, UT. He has been training competitive athletes, military, law enforcement, and martial artists for two decades. He specializes in thinking and training outside the box. And after the amount of times people have told me to just do more pushups or sit-ups to prepare for the test I am really excited to present you with someone who can give you a much more dynamic and powerful response to that.
In this episode Arlo Gagestien talks about: 
Getting bored doing regular things
Training the body as a unit
Injury Prevention
becoming a massage therapist in addition to training
thinking about training in a different way
“All show ‘no go’”
mindset for training
Mindset is more important than physical ability 
its not over till its over
Train the way you’re going to compete
Gathering inspiration
Navigating through all the information
the best exercise is the one you’re going to do
the kind of movements to focus on
improving performance
balancing your work out
spend as much time with recovery as with the exercise
“you can’t fake optimism”
Do hard things and learn from them 
The video Arlo mentions:
For Arlo’s book:
“When you’re struggling you learn a lot about yourself”
“Enjoy the struggle”