TAMF - Tap and Move Forward

TAMF - Tap and Move Forward

E39. Jeff Kirkham- War is Work

September 26, 2019

War Stories Episode
This is an interview that I have wanted for a while.  Jeff is one of the most accomplished people I have met. He has almost 29 years as a green beret, multiple deployments, tons of real world combat experience, he has also written many books, studied 7 different languages, has multiple patents including one for a tourniquet he invented, he also co-founded Black Rifle Coffee and Readyman. And in the interview I got to dive into his mindset and his experience and discover the foundation for his success. 
Jeff talks about:
Going to jump school before his senior year
Choosing to be a Green Beret
What Special Forces is really looking for
Importance of teamwork
“At the end of the day, that ego just ends up sacrificing their own people”
Being a leader that supports your people
Working with different cultures
How to respond when someone takes advantage of good leadership
Developing subordinate leaders
Planning out his career
Reading like crazy
Policing his desire to be rebellious and keeping focused
Wrestling as a platform of preparation
“There’s no where to hide when you’re out on the mat”
Number one reason people made it through BUD/S
Make sure you like your job
“The military can kill the love of anything”
Dealing with stress – including 8 years deployed in active as a Green Beret
Inspired by checklists
Writing as a release leading to actually releasing a novel
Black swan events
“Emergency Preparedness starts with the individual.”
“Emergency preparedness is long term thinking”
“You won’t have creative people, if you don’t have good leadership.”
“little bits of stress will shut down the creative brain.””
“…We were constantly trying to find solutions to problems, because a lot of the stuff we were doing was unproven. “
“war is work, it is mind-numbing repetitive work.  You don’t get good at doing something just doing it once, you get good at doing it 10,000 times…that’s a lot of mind numbing repetitive work.”
Infantry type jobs are the most complex jobs out there
For more information or to comment on what you learned please visit www.tamfpodcast.com/readyman