TAMF - Tap and Move Forward

TAMF - Tap and Move Forward

E35. Ed Earle - Mastering the Mind

July 31, 2019

***Friends of the Military Episode***
I am really excited for today’s show, for a number of reasons.  First off,  I have been looking for people who can really talk about navigating the mind.  One of the most difficult challenges we face is learning to think effectively.  It is most often our mind that gets in the way of us reaching our goals and I have struggled to find anyone who can say much that really makes sense to me.  This interview is a very intense and long discussion, but it is all actionable items anyone can do to understand and improve your mind. 
I’m also excited because, Ed Earle is one of the most dynamic people I’ve met.  I don’t know if I’ve known anyone to have such diverse skillsets.  He had a company rank on the inc 500 list 3 years in a row, and he built other companies that also ranked. He has designed and built many products like an FDA approved sports drink, different firearms, a pickleball paddle, combative knives to name a few. I love one of his recent projects that you can send in some frabric from an old uniform and they will repurpose it into knife grips or a belt buckle. I’ll include a Link in the show notes. He is walking proof that it is amazing what you can do when you know how to leverage your mind!
There is so much value in this interview. Like I said I’ve done a lot of searching and researching on this topic, and I’ve never had anyone give me such powerful tools for success. It took me a few conversations with Ed to really get it and to warn you, this conversation is quite long, please don’t try and force it.  If you aren’t getting it, listen to it in pieces, come back later,  I ask a lot of questions and go into nuances. You don’t necessarily need all of that right from the beginning.  Don’t overwhelm yourself. I sometimes get complaints that the interviews are too long, but I will keep asking questions if I’m still curious, use what applies to you. 
For this episode’s Warrior Challenge:
Ed says it is all too often people really don’t know what we want to be and do.  So his challenge is to keep a journal and write down all the things that you are focusing on, spending time on, or that capture your attention. Then one by one check them off to see if it is truly where your heart lies.  If it is in your heart it is something you love and something you love to think about. Where does your mind go when you are not required to think?
What Ed talks about: 
Understanding the way the mind works
Why affirmations don’t work
Diffusing mental bombs
How to create a no quit attitude
Building a success map in your mind
Actionable items- Internal inteviews
Shifting into familiar and connected
Finding good questions- like what were your biggest failures?
Working until you get a good answer
Creating a list of things that motivate you
Confronting places of struggle in the mind – Emotional Bombs
Including flattery in the self interview
The difference between internal interviews and real interviews
Interviewing yourself into confidence
Finding what gratifies you
Pulling off the blinders – your own compass
Self interview with relationships
It takes time, dedication, research, and practice
You could interview yourself into being more delusional
Metaphorical ex- part of the brain is ALWAYS going to win
The mind does not like inaccuracies
Emotional Suicide
The internal interview for tactical situations
Links for Ed:
For more information please visit www.tamfpodcast.com/mind