Talks In Fashion Podcast

Talks In Fashion Podcast

16: INSPIRATION TUESDAY | Keep Hope Alive, And Don’t Let Your Dreams Die

June 20, 2017

Teaching a baby to walk is pretty interesting. You know the time between 9 – 12 months when you’re really working on getting them to learn how to walk.Now during that time, you are taking your time to walk them with your hands, then having them stand up on their own, then walking along the couch and chairs or whatever they can hold on to.
After that the child is supposed to then start letting go of that stuff and eventually walking alone, but they can’t get it and they just stand there until they fall straight down. Now the question is what if the child is at 14 months and still can’t walk, do we keep helping the child or give up on them?
The obvious choice if you’re a true parent is to definitely keep helping them until they learn, for as long as it takes! There’s something special there, you have major time invested in the child already you can’t just drop them like that! Matter of fact I’m willing to bet the longer you are trying to help them you might find an easier way to help them get there.
This is how we are with our beloved dreams, except the majority don’t stick with it. They give up on the dream after the second time it falls on the ground. Even though you’ve invested major time in it you throw it all away after three months because it doesn’t look like its going as well as that other person with the same dream as yours that’s stunting on Instagram.
But what you didn’t realize is that the same thing happened to them 6 years earlier, the only difference is they persevered through the falls and eventually learned to walk and are just now running after all that time. But sometimes because of social media we get blinded by the smoke and mirrors and don’t realize that they didn’t just pop up out of the ground, it takes time and energy to build what you want.
It’s just not enough to have the dream, you have to go out and create it if that’s what you truly want. Because nobody cares about your dream as much as you, you have to keep your ultimate goal in front of you to keep the drive there in order to reach it.
If I think back to when I realized I just had to put myself out there and find out I can remember the exact thing that was pulling the back of my shirt as soon as I took off. Number one was what was I going to do if it didn’t work and number two was how will I look to people when it doesn’t work.
First off, I should have had a little more faith in myself than “When it doesn’t work.” But once I realized that if I don’t at least try I will never know and I can’t be one of those “What if” guys, that’s worse than people saying anything. Also, more than likely those same people still have their dreams that they allowed to just lie dormant in them. An article by INC. says that 92% of people don’t achieve their goals. Now some of that could be from too high expectations, but I’m willing to bet most are ones that get given up on. I told myself the worst-case scenario would be I would just have to go back to what i was doing.
What’s your worst-case scenario? Really think about it and see if its big enough to let you continue to smother your dreams. All I’m saying here style nation is to evaluate your dreams are you still pushing towards the bigger goal, or did you let your 3-week follower total pull you away.
This was inspiration Tuesday episode number sixteen, thank you so much for listening in.
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