Talking About Everything with Harry Hawk.

Talking About Everything with Harry Hawk.

Talking with Villinda Vile Horror Entertainer

June 13, 2016

Harry Hawk's conversation with Sal Virelli about the creation and development of Villinda Vile and other drag personas is the first episode in a series of conversations about gender artistry. Sal describes a dark past with which he used to build and embellish the characters Linda and Villinda. Villinda appears at an annual Michigan haunted "house" where Sal says, "Some the scariest performers are some of the nicest people you will ever meet." Sal enjoys sewing, fashion design, community theater and has sent an audition tape for the upcoming season of RuPaul's Drag Race.  You can find Villinda Vile on Facebook and Sal Virelli on Instagram. Sal's Black Rainbow Custom Clothing & Costumes is also on Instagram. Listen to other conversations and view photographs about gender artists on a project created by @hhawk and @rainbowsquirtle with stories releasing throughout the summer of 2016.