Talking Stack - Marketing Technology Podcast

Talking Stack - Marketing Technology Podcast

Central Decision Hubs, Buyer Journeys, Customer-Centric Marketers and the Future of CRM | 61

November 04, 2019

Join Jeff Nicholson VP, CRM Product Marketing at Pegasystems and David Raab in a great conversation around relationships and the future of CRM, where they will explore such questions as:

1. Can you orchestrate something you don’t have any control over? (i.e the famed ‘customer journey’?)

2. What’s best for the customer and why the future of customer-centric marketing is not about the next best offer but the next best action (which may not be an offer at all)

3. How marketing success metrics are changing in the world of customer-centric marketing

4. Why are CEOs not getting value out of CRM and why are CRMs unable to drive value for company-customer relationships?

5. How to move from systems of information to systems of relationships? How can we build systems that serve up insights right into the moment, instead of systems that just serve up data? (Hint: heard of ‘Real Time Interaction Management’?

6. How central decision hubs with federated (not consolidated) data structures are helping marketers become channel-less in their approach, and why it matters that you build the logic for the journey independent of the channel, if you are a marketer heading into 2020 and beyond.

7. Why the buyer’s journey and the customers journey are two different things, and how your customer-centric marketing needs to respond to that

8. With technology and data and analytics getting better, faster, smarter, how can marketers keep up? What the ONE TRUE skill of marketers in the future going to be?

9. The matter of integration: how to serve up insights into the moment across a range of channels that may not be able to talk to each other, and how to pick a vendor that doesn’t fear integration across the ecosystem of technology.

10. Why getting the ‘offer or next best action’ right is important, but not getting it wrong is equally important (you will probably overlook this if you only care about campaign conversions instead of relationships over time)

Plus: David and Jeff share predictions on what customer engagement and relationships will look like in 2020 and beyond.
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