Talking Stack - Marketing Technology Podcast

Talking Stack - Marketing Technology Podcast

Business Intelligence Beyond Dashboards + What’s up with B2B CDPs? | 55

September 10, 2019

This week we speak to Pedro about Business intelligence (BI) and Data intelligence solutions for the data-driven workforce – people who need data to do their work, but are not necessarily data experts.

Pedro’s take on BI is all about creating ‘data-driven experiences’ – that are accessible by more than just data the analysts; and which go beyond just ‘reports and dashboards’.

Here are some of the highlights of the conversation:
1. Getting value out of your data with data-driven experiences
Multiple sources of business data has always been a messy problem. A modern BI experience can not only deliver a single source of truth on the business data; but can also help trigger operational business workflows based on dynamic data and articulate the data from different sources in a highly accessible and actionable way

2. Data-driven pain points for marketers:
- Conflicting data: how many times do you go into a meeting hoping to make meaningful decisions based on data but end up arguing on which data is correct?
- Narrow view of data- there is a lot of great business data that’s outside of the marketing source but marketers are often stuck in their own bubble or even sub-function
- Lack of a data culture/ data literacy, which need cultivation, processes and investments in people
- Lack of data leadership: executive sponsors who appreciate the value of data and can define and drive the data strategy

3. How do you reward curiosity about data and drive BI adoption?
Marketing is inherently suited to drive adoption by doing several ‘marketing’ type things to build interest, reward curiosity and encourage usage in innovative new ways.

4. The future of BI and data visualisation
People- marketers and other functional managers – live on apps like Slack and email – not in BI tools. BI needs to be available through those interfaces in simple query languages. The BI tool has got to empower people to harness the power of data to drive value for the business.

5. Going from data chaos to data enabled
- It starts with data-leadership – followed by building the technology, people and processes
- Build partnerships with groups outside of marketing such as IT, that can see data as a long-term initiative
- Cultivate a data culture and find partners that understand the value of having a data culture
- Define what you want to measure - business rules, KPIs and success metrics
- Put robust governance mechanisms in place
- Select tech that will support your goals, and go beyond the current, most-obvious use-cases
- Empower people to execute the strategy and take it further
- Data has a business purpose – be aware that applications and use cases keep evolving - and so should your data and BI strategy

Segment 2: What’s up with B2B CDPs?
David, Anand and Chitra talk about the changing mix of CDP vendors- are B2B CDPs going out of style? Why? And why are ‘campaign CDPs’ the ones driving the industry’s growth? Join us as we dive into these mid-year CDP industry trends.