Talking Stack - Marketing Technology Podcast

Talking Stack - Marketing Technology Podcast


July 12, 2019

Stack rationalization is about finding and managing your tech. Finding the right technology and managing tech, using the tools optimally. We talk about acquiring and building the right Martech stack, navigating the politics of it, working beer and smarter with your vendors, and finally getting the best business outcomes to form it
Consolidating all that you have acquired over time and make your digital transformation even possible or realistic?
Identifying what you want to or need to do Experts helping people figure out what they need for each specific purpose. Strategic applications of the sack and the tactical Adhoc uses. Centralized oversight of all Martech purchases via the Marketing ops teams
We see CMOs distancing themselves and this is the wrong approach
When tech rep 30% of your budgets, it’s critical to meeting your CX goals, CMOs cannot afford to not be involved and the Martech tech stack
Young CMOs at startups are the most hands on, the large enterprises Cos are most hands-off Wil CMOs of the future come from a technology background…Should CMOs be technologists or marketers? It’s becoming too easy to just do things without really knowing them
Unicorn marketers - larry Kim, mobilemonkey

Choose your anchor platforms that sit at the center of your Martech suite - CRM, MA, CDP Then drag and drop the other tools you need Saves you up to 20% on tech spend plus better marketing outcomes No such thing as a single vendor solution, platform ecosystems are wonderful, use them, best in class is also excellent
Centralized oersignt, not centralized purchasing
Focus is on minimal Functional redundancies in their stack, got a tight data architecture, and there is a single source of truth stack
Navigating the politics and when stacks collide during mergers and acquisitions
1. Anita, could you share some context of how you came to be co-founder of CabinetM, and what your journey has been like so far?
2. What are some of the ways you have seen CMOs and enterprise marketing organizations evolve in their thinking when it comes to building stacks?
3. Tell us about your own stack management framework – how does it work and how would it help a CMO trying to invest in a first-time stack? And what is SkillStacks? Who needs it and why?
4. Stacks are not a one-time thing – especially thanks to the SaaS industry, it’s ‘easy’ to upsize and downsize them, so stack management and rationalization is an industry now. There are several tools on the market that claim to help do this. Why and when should someone – a CMO – turn to someone like a stack management platform? What additional outcomes can they expect?

6.Tell us some examples of great, not-so-great and totally gone-wrong stack stories – without naming names- that hold valuable lessons for our listeners, who are all probably struggling with their own stacks? What are the biggest pain points you observe with building and maintaining stacks that work? (recent research points to integration between tools)
7. Lets take a minute to talk about the vendor’s side of things- what challenges do they face with integration, renewals and customer support that you think customers don’t get
8. Do you see any one kind of marketing or sales automation becoming a ‘hub’ for the marketing stack? (CRM or marketing automation tools or CDPs, for example?)
9. What are you seeing with mobile apps and how they are plugging into the stack? What are marketers missing with mobile?
10. Lets end with Customer Experience – that is the new holy grail. What are your thoughts on how a resource-strapped, mid-size, high-growth enterprise should approach building and executing a customer-centric CX strategy and building a sensible, practical stack around that?