Tales of Marketing Transformation

Tales of Marketing Transformation

Making Marketing Human Again - Tales Of Marketing Transformation #001

February 19, 2019

Are you curious about the "magic of marketing"? About "The Force" that drives GOOD marketing.
Then you've come to the right place.
I know, in fact - we all know, that marketing is NOT magic, yet to many of us it still remains a mystery!
A mystery that sits at the very heart of our business. Today, we begin unpacking that mystery. Do come along for the ride!
On today's episode, we'll talk about what IS marketing and what is GOOD marketing. Of course, it wouldn't be "Tales of" if there was not a story involved, so listen to the podcast to hear the story.
Go to talesofmarketingtransformation.com/001 to get our Ten Tips to Make Marketing Human again.
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