Tales of Marketing Transformation

Tales of Marketing Transformation

Latest Episodes

What Podcast Hosts Look For - Tales of Marketing Transformation E034
August 03, 2021

In this episode, Jrgen shares excerpts of their panel discussion titled "How to Create A Phenomenal Guest Experience" as part of Podthon '21.

Tools for Speed Listening and Viewing - Tales of Marketing Transformation E033
August 01, 2021

In this episode, Jrgen shares three tools that allow you to speed up most videos, so that you can watch them in a fraction of the time that they'd take at recorded speed.

Transformational Marketing Blueprint - Trust - Tales of Marketing Transformation E032
July 29, 2021

Hosted by Dr Jrgen Strauss, The Tales of Marketing Transformation podcast lays a firm foundation for your marketing journey. In this episode, we'll explore the third phase of the Transformational Marketing Blueprint - the TRUST phase.

Podcasting Is a Relationship Game - Tales of Marketing Transformation E031
July 27, 2021

In this episode, Jrgen shares excerpts of his conversation with Blake Fleischacker on his Facebook Live channel "Blake Fly", about how podcasting can build sustainable visibility and deep connection with your dream audience.

Tools: Video Recording with Loom and Vmaker - Tales of Marketing Transformation E030
July 25, 2021

Hosted by Dr Jrgen Strauss, The Tales of Marketing Transformation podcast lays a firm foundation for your marketing journey. In this episode, Jrgen will share 2 tools for video recording - Loom and Vmaker.

Transformational Marketing Blueprint - Like - Tales of Marketing Transformation E029
July 22, 2021

Hosted by Dr Jrgen Strauss, The Tales of Marketing Transformation podcast lays a firm foundation for your marketing journey. In this episode, we'll explore the Like phase of the Transformational Marketing Journey.

Making Podcasting Human - Tales of Marketing Transformation E028
July 20, 2021

In this episode, Jrgen shares his conversation with Miha Matlievski's LinkedIn Live Show - Coffee Conversations with Miha, about making podcasting human.

Tools for Audio Learning and Book Summaries- E027
July 18, 2021

Hosted by Dr Jrgen Strauss, The Tales of Marketing Transformation podcast lays a firm foundation for your marketing journey. In this episode, he shares three awesome tools for audio learning and book summaries that you will definitely love.

Transformational Marketing Blueprint - Know - E026
July 15, 2021

Hosted by Dr Jrgen Strauss, The Tales of Marketing Transformation podcast lays a firm foundation for your marketing journey. In this episode, we'll explore the first 4 steps of the Transformational Marketing Blueprint - the Know phase.

Podcasting: Being an Awesome Podcast Guest - Tales of Marketing Transformation E025
July 13, 2021

Hosted by Dr. Jrgen Strauss, The Tales of Marketing Transformation podcast lays a firm foundation for your marketing journey. In this episode, Jrgen shares some tips to become an awesome podcast guest.
