Tales of Marketing Transformation

Tales of Marketing Transformation

Tales Of Marketing Transformation Teaser 1

January 17, 2019

Marketing is fundamentally quite simple  -  

• deliver the right message 

• to the right audience 

• at the right time

• in the right place

• engage with them

• start to build a relationship and

• provide exceptionally valuable information to them until they are ready to make a purchase from you.
BUT ...here's the thing....
People don't want what you make!
They want what it will do for them. They want the way that it will make them feel.
As marketers, and we ARE ALL marketers, we need to engage our empathy. We have to know what our audience values and needs, what frustrates them and what they aspire to, what makes them feel happy, sad, angry, delighted and a range of other emotions.
We need to know how they want to feel and how we can help them transform to that feeling.
Telling stories can help us to do that. This is just a teaser video to get the word out about TALES of MARKETING TRANSFORMATION..... a podcast coming to a mobile device near you early in 2019!
Be Awesome and Keep Innovating!
