Take & Talk Pics

Take & Talk Pics

Pixel Binning – episode 227

August 26, 2016

Pixel Binning Hey Photo World! First, I would like to start off with the fact that I am no expert on the Pixel Binning subject bur more so I am an interested learner on all things photography. My latest endeavor has been studying up and testing out the sRAW option on my Nikon D810 and D750. For more information on my findings so far with sRAW you can listen to episode 226 here! In my search on sRAW, there were many references to pixel binning and how it should be a much more effective down scaling of resolution to ¼ the size of a traditional full resolution RAW file. At face value, it sounded like a great solution to the speculated sRAW flaws. However, after investigating the difference between compressions with RAW files, sRAW images, and even the compression operations of JPEG images, there seemed to be little evidence that pixel binning offers substantial improvements. Then, I gathered much of my information by reading through multiple blogs and other writings on the subject and here is a list of the sites I read from. Sites: http://www.cloudynights.com/topic/489187-understanding-binning/. http://info.adimec.com/blogposts/bid/42336/Shot-noise-reduction-with-machine-vision-cameras-using-in-camera-processing. https://www.dpreview.com/forums/thread/3922435. http://www.photometrics.com/resources/learningzone/binning.php. http://www.andor.com/learning-academy/ccd-binning-what-does-binning-mean. http://www.olympusmicro.com/primer/digitalimaging/concepts/binning.html. http://info.adimec.com/blogposts/bid/104547/Binning-to-increase-SNR-and-frame-rate-with-CCD-and-CMOS-industrial-cameras. Although, the multitude of information on the subject it seems to be a very technical operation. After ingesting the information I have given thought to the entirety of the subject and feel there are little to no benefits to want to see pixel binning in a DSLR camera CMOS sensor. However, an improvement on the sRAW format or an allowance of an mRAW (medium RAW) equaling half resolution vs the quarter resolution of a sRAW image would be a more appropriate settlement on the RAW size options. Finally, I would be pleased to see Nikon and Canon offer a sRAW and mRAW with a bit depth choice as well. That would benefit many photographers out there. Happy Shooting! Get your FREE business coaching call