Take & Talk Pics

Take & Talk Pics

Nice To Employees - episode 225

August 22, 2016

Nice To Employees This is for all you photographers who have 1 or more employees. Heck you can apply this method to those of whom are flying solo. Also, I would like to clear up the word “employees” for you. Many would think it means you have individuals on payroll with an hourly or salary wage or someone who comes to work for the company at regular intervals. Well “employee” can mean a lot of things and I look at it as anyone who does work for someone else regardless of the interval, pay rate, or consistency. You could say they are temporary or sub-contractors as well. No matter how you define them you should be nice to your employees. Nice/Positive Mean/Negative Competitive pay Restrictive pay Constructive guidance Pushy guidance Offering more work opportunities Restricting the hours Perks No perks Somewhere to go/climb the ladder Lateral movement Nice seems like an obvious choice and an easy way to go but nice isn’t always the easiest to define. What you think could be nice may easily be blah or in some cases “not nice” to others. There is an attitude in how you treat them and that directly relates to an attitude in how they treat you/your business. Photo World you already know what I am talking about because just about each of you can go back to a time when you had a job and your attitude was reflected by how you felt you were treated. If you instill positivity to your employees, no matter their capacity, than you will see positivity from them. The opposite is true when there is negativity involved. Be positive! Be nice to your employees! Why do you think I always finish every episode with: Happy Shooting! Get your FREE business coaching call with Rob! Sign up for one of the last few spots here!