Take & Talk Pics

Take & Talk Pics

Chase The Light – episode 224

August 19, 2016

Chase The Light Photo World I was thinking about one of the turning points in my career as a photographer. Really it was before my career kicked off. This was happening while I was learning and working for other photographers. I used to spend hours and hours poring over photos, surfing the net, flipping through magazines, and even perusing a newspaper here and there. (Yes I used to read actual newspapers). I would look at how all those other photographs were taken and more specifically what kind of light was used to make the picture. I wanted to know what light source was used, guess the modifiers that were helping shape the light, figure out what the exposure must have been. I will say that it didn’t come easy but I do have a skill now for determining what lens is used for many of the photographs my students make just by investigating their images. I still find myself asking what kind of light is in play or what kind of modifiers were used here? I am continually seeking the answers… not to learn them and then emulate that practice but to see if my eye is good enough. I find myself critiquing many photographs with thoughts on how it could have been better with the right light. I’m no more gifted than any