TAG Media — Springfield, MO Sports, Music, Arts, Entertainment

TAG Media — Springfield, MO Sports, Music, Arts, Entertainment

Beer Buzz (3/27): Meandering Mother’s

March 31, 2014


Mother’s Double Ds (Doug and Dave) lead Ben through a partially NSFW and fully meandering edition of Beer Buzz. Brought to you by White River Brewing Co., Beer Buzz is streaming live each Thursday at (around) 8:30 p.m. on TAGsgf.com and featured during TAG Radio, Sundays at 7 p.m. on KBFL 99.9 FM.

Beer Buzz Sponsors

Mother’s Brewing Company, 215 S Grant in SGF

Listen live Thursday nights and like the show on Facebook to play Brew’s Clues. One lucky/smart/fast Googling beer nerd wins a care package from Mother’s.

Homebrew tips each week on The Homebrewer’s Corner, brought to you by The Home Brewery

Skinny Slim’s, 323 S Patton, where size matters. Beer Buzz approved beer bar.