Tabled Podcast

Tabled Podcast

Episode 5: The One With a Catchy Title (Imperialis Militia & Cultists Army Lists Review)

June 14, 2015

Hello and welcome to Tabled Podcast!

In this episode you get to listen to me struggle with the pronounciation of many of the names from Tempest.

If you haven't already guessed by the title this episode is a review of the newly released Imperialis Militia & Cults lists from Forgeworld's Book 5 of The Horus Heresy: Tempest.

We do a full review of the lists along with some ideas about modelling opportunities and potential armies to put down on the table.

Also in this episode is a discussion of what happens when the sky falls (or as we like to call it another edition of Warhammer is released). I hope my perspective as something of a veteran player will help to allay some people's fears.

As ever we hope you enjoy the show and if you do please leave us a positive review on iTunes.

Many thanks

Tabled Podcast