T&Z Talk With Trupiano and Zombeck

T&Z Talk With Trupiano and Zombeck

Latest Episodes

The Trump Slump — Hillary Explodes and Trump Implodes — Ryan Ain’t Lyin’
October 11, 2016

Oh, what a wonderful time to be political pundits, and T&Z had a field day today as the Trump Train has fallen over the abyss and is heading for the bottom on the gulch! As Hillary Clinton’s leads has reached almost insurmountable numbers, The...

The Debate, Melania's Pussy Shirt, and Trump Grabbing ....
October 10, 2016

Today's T&Z welcome back show was filled from top to bottom with debate, denial, debunking and delusion. Facts were left on the cutting room floor for The Donald as he, very Grinch-like, made his stalking presence known to both Hillary Clinton and...

Debating the Debates, Trump’s Russian Problem, What Trump Does Hillary Get on Monday?
September 23, 2016

Ah, T&Z almost got dizzy trying to explain the debate on Monday night with fallacies, lies and utterances and sure to be zingers, who the hell really knows what will happen? The suspense is building!!! @realDonaldTrump has @realProblems with his...

Trump, Jr. Follows in Daddy’s Footsteps, The Critical Importance of the Debate, The Media Shame That Came Too Late
September 20, 2016

T&Z had a field day today with more ammunition on Trump, Trump, Jr and the lies and racist propaganda they continue to spew. We also learned that “papa” George H W Bush is voting for Hillary Clinton, further emphasizing how critical being...

Trump's Lying Surrogates, Trump's non-Apology, and Hillary's Birther Woes
September 19, 2016

Today’s emotional rendering of the stupidity of what @realDonaldTrump did over the past few days included a possibility that the reason media surrogates have become the quintessential liars they are is because they just MAY be drugged, as any other...

Harry Reid Calls Trump a Leech and More From the Campaign
September 16, 2016

We all know the saying “When do you know when a politician is lying? When their lips are moving”, well good old @realDonaldTrump has become the poster child for that saying, and is redefining the very essence of what truth, prosperity and the...

Female Journalists Are Calling BS On Team Trump
September 15, 2016

Kellyann Conway: Trump's campaign manager gets her ass handed to her on CNN live. Joy Reid: MSNBC morning host rips into and schools Trump surrogate Boris Epshteyn. Reid tears into Boris about cross talk and the correct way to answer an interview...

Medical Records, Military Courts, and Moderators According to Trump
September 13, 2016

Donald Trump has some strong and delusional views on things like what a debate moderator does, whether the military has a court system, how the fed and finances work, and of course whether something as common as pneumonia should keep someone out of...

Hillary's stroke, seizures, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and other alt-right BS
September 12, 2016

We're back after a brief sabbatical that involved work, moving, illnesses and so much more of all the fun things life can throw at you. In this episode we talk about 9/11, Hillary's stroke, seizures, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and the fact that she's...

When Trump's Tiny Little Fingers Are On The Button
August 04, 2016

The thought of Trump having access to the nuclear codes is terrifying to nearly anyone who knows anything about what it means to launch nuclear weapons. One man who worked underground, with that possibility, had a few words to say. Of course, we also...