T&Z Talk With Trupiano and Zombeck

T&Z Talk With Trupiano and Zombeck

Democrat/Progressive/Liberal? -- A Trump Administration Takes Shape — What YOU Can Do

November 15, 2016

There are no easy answers right now for those who have a political mindset with ANY information to back the way they feel, but if you are decidedly NOT a Republican and feel you are a Democrat, or an offshoot there of, what does that mean and when, more importantly, does that look like — to you? Z gave an impassioned history lesson of protest and revolt involving the foreclosure and why lessons learned there are CRITICAL to make a difference moving forward. Who will lead the Democratic National Committee and will it matter, when all is said and done? The other thought to ponder is simple; are we even asking the correct questions any longer? Stay tuned! www.tandztalk.com