T&Z Talk With Trupiano and Zombeck

T&Z Talk With Trupiano and Zombeck

Melania on Donald's Behavior, Donald on Hillary's Drug Problem, and Elizabeth Warren is Spot On

October 18, 2016

OK, so Melania Trump believes that boys will be boys, even when her “boy” was 59 years old when he admitted to sexually assaulting women. OK, so next exhibit: According to Mrs. Trump he didn’t know the mic was on…kinda the point Melania. He didn’t, therefore it was his honest feelings. Oh, Melania, T&Z asks you to have someone other than Steve Bannon write your stuff for your own sake and for when the prenup gets caught in the court system and his words are used against you. Maybe plagarize from someone intelligent, like Michelle Obama, for example. Well, as the first war on drugs didn’t work, T&Z are not so sure why Trump thinks his war on drugs will, and frankly, we’d like to see him take a drug test. And so would the women on The View. Can you say deflection? And we end the show with Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s impersonation of a clucking chicken (really!). It’s worth it. www.tandztalk.com