Patrick Fougere

Patrick Fougere

Synaptic Support Episode 3

April 06, 2014

Hello All,

Welcome to Episode 3. Today we are going to talk about personal initiative.  I was readying a great article from Psychcentral about knowing when to talk to your professional about depression or other mental concerns.  Essentially, you answer some questions about change in your daily life and if there is a significant change, you talk to someone about it. It never hurts to ask someone about it. Please do not hesitate to talk to someone about your mental well-being.

Our app for today is Depression Inventory. It is in the google play and is a phone version of the article above. It is a simple 18 question routine that you should run once a week to see how you are doing. IT is not a diagnostic tool. It is an app to monitor change in your mood. That's it. It and I both stress this. I use it to see how I am doing and then if there is a change I make an appointment to talk to my professional. If you have a negative change in your mood it's time to talk to your professional. We owe it to ourselves to be the first line of defense against our brains. We need to take the first step and notice a change and act accordingly. Please be safe. Ask for help and Talk to someone.


PS. I have found the funding to take the Mental Health First Aid Instructors course and am in the middle of applying. Here's hoping!