Patrick Fougere

Patrick Fougere

Synaptic Support – Episode 2 – Exercise and T2.

March 26, 2014

Welcome to Synaptic Support Episode 2

How is everyone today? What's been occupying your time over the last week or so?
Ok… we have lots to cover so lets get to it!

Mount Allison Coffee House, Elephant in the room.

Brethe2Relax -
A great app by a company called T2. It is designed around helping you control your breathing if you are stressed or having an anxiety attack. I found this app while looking for resources that they military may use to help with PTSD. T2 is the National Centre of TeleHealth and Technology, a partner with the Department of Defence in the United States. They have several apps and I will review a couple of them.
Breathe2Relax helps you through diaphragmatic breathing and puts it do a calming background and some calming background noise. The app does a great job explaining what diaphragmatic breathing is, how and why  it relaxes you. It then takes you step by step through the process. It records your mood and if you are relaxed or stressed both before and after your breathing exercise. I have used it and find it similar to guided meditation, which it essentially is. I have suggested this to others that have anxiety and they have found it works for them. I would assume if the DoD in the US is putting their name on it, it works for them too. Try and it comment to let me know if you have used it and if you found it useful.
Exercise was found to be the best treatment for depression in a study done in England. So get out there and break a sweat.