Swank Life

Swank Life

SL 42 - Frank Miniter Be The Ultimate Man

November 14, 2014

Today’s Swank Life show deals with the question so many men ask: How can I be the ultimate man? And it gives the answers that so many women are hoping listeners will take note of. Jake Swank talks to the author of The Ultimate Man’s Survival Guide, Frank Miniter. Frank gives a step-by-step summary of some of the main categories featured in his book, as well as throwing in a few tips on how to achieve the goal of being the Ultimate Man. 


Key Takeaways

01.26 – The Ultimate Man has to be a balance of all of the different archetypes.

03.00 – Being the Provider isn’t just about getting a paycheck; it’s about understanding things like where your own food comes from.

04.09 – There’s also a very physical side to being the Ultimate Man – how can you deal with a crisis if you don’t know how far you can push yourself?

05.47 – The old-school idea of a gentleman is often under attack by certain feminist values, which just seems at odds.

08.18 – Women are looking for signs that you’ve put real intentions and real emotions into your actions. 

10.08 – Hemingway sums up the idea that a real man needs to be able to disengage himself from what might happen and deal with what is happening. He is the calm during the storm.

13.18 – To find out more about how to be the Ultimate Man, head to www.FrankMiniter.com

13.42 – Despite what society thinks, honor codes are still so important, and living your own codes will make you that stand-up guy you want to be. 


Mentioned in this episode

The Ultimate Man’s Survival Guide by Frank Miniter

Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand


The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand