Susan Gregg's Food for the Soul

Susan Gregg's Food for the Soul

Latest Episodes

Episode 114: The Truth
November 04, 2014

Is there a truth? How do we know the truth in a world of right and wrong?

Episode 113: New Directions
October 27, 2014

Seeing life differently can change the results we get. Would you like change in your life to be easier and more effective?

Episode 112: Using The Past To Create The Present
October 20, 2014

Did you ever ask yourself, If I picked my parents, why did I choose the ones I have? Why would we choose any sort of abuse? The past gives us the power to choose. We will explore our ability to choose in this episode.

Episode 111: The Wind
September 18, 2014

Playing with the wind is like playing with the breath of your spirit. Come, breathe and learn some ways to work with the wind.

Episode 110: Emotional GPS System
September 02, 2014

Have you ever considered that your emotions are like an internal GPS? What are your emotions telling you?

109: Staying Centered
August 04, 2014

Is your spiritual quest difficult when your family and friends are not on the same path? Do you have trouble staying grounded and not taking things personally? The gift of choice our loved ones give us is the focus of this episode.  

Episode 108: Why Are We Here?
June 01, 2014

Have you ever questioned why you are here on Earth at this time? Do you wonder about your purpose? How do you use your filter system in the creation of your life? Together, in this episode, we will explore these questions and more.

Episode 107: Passion and Loving Yourself
March 31, 2014

We have the ability to create anything in our life, yet our creation comes through our "filter system". Our beliefs support our filter system. If we love our self, then passion can fill our life. If we choose something other than love, our life reflects t

Episode 106: Dreams
January 19, 2014

What are the dreams you have? Do you believe you can achieve them, or is that for someone else? In this episode we will embrace how you can create your greatest dreams, hopes, and desires.

Episode 105: Serendipity
November 27, 2013

We developed our filter system at an early age for safety but these filters may not serve us as an adult. Serendipity can come from a filter of love or fear, which would you like more of in your life? Â