Surviving Medicine

Surviving Medicine

88. Gut Health and the Microbiome with Dr. Will Bulsiewicz

June 01, 2020
Dr. Will Bulsiewicz MD, MSCI
  • Gastroenterologist
  • Gut Health Expert
  • Master of Science in Clinical Investigation

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Dr. Will Bulsiewicz. Dr. B is a practicing gastroenterologist, prolific podcast guest, microbiome and gut health expert. Dr. B is a graduate of Georgetown University School of Medicine. He trained in Internal Medicine at Northwestern Memorial Hospital and completed a fellowship in gastroenterology at the University of North Carolina Hospitals. He holds a master of Science in Clinical Investigation and a certificate in nutrition from Cornell University. For all things Dr. B, make sure you go back to Episode 60 to hear about his story and his journey through medical education. In this episode, Dr. B is on to discuss his new book called Fiber Fueled, a plant-based gut health program for losing weight, restoring health, and optimizing your microbiome. Seeing as my PhD was in microbiome research, we take a different turn, discussing some of the science and a few things COVID. You can find Dr. B online at @theguthealthmd.


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