The Survival Revolution Podcast

The Survival Revolution Podcast

Episode 14: Live Homestead Update: Zone 1 and 2 Edible Forest.

June 21, 2014

Today I give a live update as I walk around the homestead inspecting the garden, fruit trees, bees, animals and more. It was so nice out, I decided to use my small digital recorder and headset to record the podcast. Natural Audio with real wind, birds chirping and all the rough audio we normally edit out. Walk with me as I check out and taste test the thornless blackberries we planted this year.

I talk about our native and Red Texas Star Mayhaw trees, Apples, Pear, Persimmon and Rabbiteye blueberry varieties among others in Zone 1. Take the live audio tour as I check the growth in the backyard vegi garden and travel out into Zone 2 where we have bees, mullberries, figs and wild plums.

Let me know how you like the live updates....