The Survivalist Prepper Podcast

The Survivalist Prepper Podcast

Latest Episodes

SPP376: SHTF Cooking Options & Disaster Destinations
May 26, 2023

Ill soon be doing videos testing different prepper meals and cooking in SHTF conditions. Tonight I will discuss some of these emergency cooking options and some precautions we should take in an exten

SPP375: Higher Level Prepping Mistakes & Complacency
May 21, 2023

Preparing for short-term disaster scenarios is easy, and most of us have that figured out, but what about the longer term disasters? The reality of survival and the truth of how prepared we might be,

SPP374: Bug Out Bags & Prepping Rules With Local Prepper
May 13, 2023

Do preppers overthink their bug-out bags? How do you know you are preparing the right way? And why hasnt the sky fallen yet? Tonight well have Local Prepper back on to talk about the different typ

SPP373: Civil War 2.0 & Multi-Purpose Prepping Supplies
May 06, 2023

We might be heading for a second civil war here in the U.S. at some point, but how likely is it really? And what can we do to prepare for it just in case something does kick-off? Tonight Ill be going

SPP372: Grid Down Energy With The Broken Nomad
April 28, 2023

In todays podcast, I have Kevin (The Broken Nomad) on to talk about grid-down energy options & solar power. As some of you know, Kevin is in the process of setting up his van to be able to travel aro

SPP371: Firearms Training & Self Defense with Adam of Defenders USA
April 22, 2023

I have a great guest on todays show from Defenders USA to go over the importance of firearms training and self-defense. While we will be speaking specifically to people in the preparedness community,

SPP370: Foods You Should Never Stockpile…Or Should You?
April 20, 2023

Every once in a while, I run across articles or videos about what food you should store long-term and what foods you should avoid. In todays podcast and video, I will go over an article titled 7 Fo

SPP369: Gas Masks, Anxiety & Possible Threats with Local Prepper
April 15, 2023

In todays podcast, I talk with Local Prepper from Youtube about air filtration for preppers, dealing with anxiety, and some of the threats we face in the near future. We also went down a few other pr

SPP368: The Future of the U.S. Dollar & the Ability to Adapt
April 07, 2023

As preppers, we probably have every disaster scenario mapped out (at least we hope we do). Still, if your family, friends, and loved ones are not on the same page, those plans will not work out so wel

SPP367: How Prepared Are You…Really?
March 27, 2023

In this episode, Ill be going over stepping out of our prepping comforts zones and being honest with ourselves about how prepared we really are. Its common for preppers to become complacent from tim