

Program #062 (Pt.04) Demonic Interference Drugs, Words, Behaviors & the Occult

February 02, 2017

Program #062 (02/02/2017) (Pt.04) Demonic Interference Drugs, Words, Behaviors & the Occult.
We are now completing a series on Demonic Interference which begin on (01/05/2017) and as we conclude with part four entitled Demonic Interference Drugs, Words, Behaviors & the Occult. I pray this series have been a blessing to all that have listen, and if anyone have been oppressed by demonic interference that you have applied the steps I mentioned in parts 1-4 to help you begin your walk in freedom from demonic oppression.
In today’s conclusion I’ll be talking about ways that demons will come against a person by use of “drugs, through words to oppress, by certain behaviors and through the occult”
I hope this and other programs will be a blessing and a vital part of you coming to except Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal Savior. If you have already accepted Jesus as your personal Savior, then I pray this program as well as all others will be of great encouragement, help, and inspiration to you as you walk closer each day with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Maria :)