Super Strength

Super Strength

Super Strength Episode #006 - Grip Strength - The Benefits of Molding a Ferocious Grip

April 30, 2014

Do you want to learn the benefits of increased grip strength? What do you know about transfer points of strength, and weak links? If you’re strength training without spending time on your grip, then you’re not getting the results you deserve.

Strength training is not limited to bodybuilders, and those who use it reap a larger number of benefits from their overall workouts and routines. Does this describe the results of your fitness regime?

If you’re interested in learning more about why grip strength is important, then invest 20 minutes to this episode of Super Strength where host Nick Jaworski interviews Ray Toulany about the benefits of molding a ferocious grip.

Bodybuilders have used strength training since the early days of the sport. Reuters says that everyone from cyclists to wounded warriors are finding the benefit of adding strength training to a regular workout. This interview is a chance to learn the benefits of grip strength as part of that training.

What Grip Strength Is and What Parts of the Body It Affects

The episode kicks off with Ray explaining what grip strength is, and what muscles in the body that are included in the term. You might be surprised to learn that it’s more than just the muscles in your palm and fingers.

Grip strength provides more than just an ego boost. It is an essential part of the strength training routine and helps not only with athletes such as martial artists or baseball players, but also in people with jobs that require hands-on duties, like construction workers or firefighters.

If grip strength is not something that’s part of your fitness routine, then you’re not getting the full benefits of your workout.

Why Grip Strength Is Important in Your Workouts and Routines

Next Ray explains that anyone can benefit from increased grip strength, whether you’re a young man or an elderly lady. Ray also goes on to answer the following questions:

  • Why do people ignore grip strength while working out?
  • What are some examples of grip strength exercises?
  • How strong can my grip actually get if I train it?

Now ask yourself two questions. Do you want to be able to do more with your hands and arms? Could your overall physical performance be improved by better grip strength? If you answered “Yes†to either or both of these questions, then it’s time to add grip strength training to your workouts and routines.

How Grip Strength Can Benefit Regular Training and Routines

Then Ray discusses people who are more focused on “regular†training goals. He explains what grip strength can do for them, and why they need to include it.

You may think that you don’t have time for grip strength training. Ray explains the truth behind this myth, and tells how you can dedicate training for grip strength on even your busiest of days.

A weak grip can hinder daily activity. Molding a ferocious grip can help you enjoy benefits of increased grip strength. What’s keeping you from beefing up your grip strength?

The episode concludes with Ray sharing some final thoughts about grip training using perspective of comparing the goals of everyday strength trainers and legendary bodybuilders like Chuck Sipes.

Are You Ready to Increase Your Grip Strength?

What kinds of things could you do with increased grip strength? How will you go about achieving this fitness goal? Listen to the entire episode now. Then if you have questions or comments, share them below. We look forward to discussing your feedback.

Ray Toulany has been working out for practically his entire life. He’s heard most of the advice on the topic, and now makes it his mission to help others separate fact from fiction so they can identify the difference between hype and solid training advice. Visit his website now to get started on increasing your own physical strength.

Free Report for Increasing Strength in the Gym

This article is copyright Ray Toulany. All rights reserved.
Super Strength and Conditioning

Original post: Super Strength Episode #006 – Grip Strength – The Benefits of Molding a Ferocious Grip