Super Strength

Super Strength

Super Strength #002 - Strength and Aesthetics - How To Get Best of Both Worlds

April 03, 2014

Are you striving to achieve a certain look while building strength? Have you studied how to train for six pack abs without resorting to gimmicks? If you don’t know the key movements to use to improve both strength, and aesthetics, then you could be moving to the beat of the wrong workout music.

When working out there are two major categories of exercise. Those who balance their workout between the two enjoy a better looking body as well as a stronger one. Does this describe your exercise routine?

If you’re interested in getting the most out of your workout then you’ll want to invest 20 minutes to listen to this edition of Super Strength, where your host Nick Jaworski interviews Ray Toulany about hidden but in-plain-sight secret to saving massive amounts of time in the gym while maximizing your results, the two categories of exercise, how to train your abs, and more.

Staying fit doesn’t just help with aesthetics. A study by the American Heart Association concludes that maintaining or improving fitness, regardless of your BMI, can help lower risks of premature heart-related deaths. This interview is a chance to have the best of both worlds, muscle strength and aesthetics.

Achieve These Advantages with a Full Body Workout

Ray kicks off the episode with an explanation of the two major categories of exercising. You might be surprised to find that these two forms of movement are hidden in plain sight. Ray goes on to explain what each one is, including their benefits, before making comparisons and contrasts between the two.

Then Ray goes on to explain how getting a full body workout will help you achieve more of your goals for both strength and aesthetics. He also describes how you can expect everyday life to change as your body transitions from just being heavy, to being strong and healthy.

If your workout program fails to provide you with the benefits that Ray discusses, then you can correct it by taking a closer look at how you’re exercising your body.

The Benefits of Aiming for Strength and Aesthetics

Some people who do strength training focus their workout on one type of exercise. Ray explains the benefits and disadvantages for placing these limits on your workout. During the podcast he also answers these questions:

  • Should I avoid doing easier exercises when strength training?
  • How can I exercise my glutes if I’m stuck in a sedentary job?
  • Can I achieve strength while trying to achieve a certain look?

Now ask yourself these questions: Am I training for strength, aesthetics, or both? Does my workout give me well-rounded benefits to improve other areas of my life besides the hardness of my abs? If you answered no to either, then it’s time to rethink your workout and whether it’s truly helping you meet your fitness goals.

How to Get the Abs that Everybody Else Wants

Next the topic turns to abs, and how to get the look that everybody wants. As Ray points out, everybody wants to look sexy when they go to the beach and some men focus their bulk of their workout on this one isolated area of the body.

Ray goes on to share what he expected to find when he began studying old-school legends of the iron game. You might be surprised at some of the results he found that are lacking in today’s society, even in the world’s top bodybuilders.

Working out other parts of the body can fire your abdominal muscles into overdrive. That guy next to you in the gym with the six-pack abs is using the concepts Ray shares to get that look. What’s holding you back from achieving both strength and aesthetics from your workout?

The episode wraps up with Ray sharing a list of movements that should make up your strength training, regardless of where you are in your progress. They’re the same exercises Ray uses and it doesn’t take expensive equipment to perform the routines.

Are You Ready to Invigorate Your Workout?

Do you want to turn heads for all the right reasons the next time you hit the beach? Is your workout giving you the best of both worlds, strength and aesthetics? Listen to the entire podcast now to get advice on how to improve your training program. When you’re done, we’d love to hear your thoughts and questions in the comments area below.

Ray Toulany has been working out for practically his entire life. He’s heard most of the advice on the topic, and now makes it his mission to help others separate fact from fiction so they can identify the difference between hype and solid training advice. Visit his website now to get started on increasing your own physical strength.

Free Report for Increasing Strength in the Gym

This article is copyright Ray Toulany. All rights reserved.
Super Strength and Conditioning

Original post: Super Strength #002 – Strength and Aesthetics – How To Get Best of Both Worlds