Super Strength

Super Strength

Super Strength #001 - How to Avoid Strength Training Mistakes

April 02, 2014

Do you know the biggest mistake people make during strength training? Are costly strength training mistakes holding you back from the results you want? If you don’t know the time-tested methods for success with progressive strength training, then you could be making common mistakes that delay achieving your goals.

Progressive strength training might seem intimidating to someone unfamiliar with the concept. Those who include it as a part of their workout regime often enjoy lower blood pressure, a higher resting metabolic rate, and other health benefits. Does this describe the results of your workout?

If you’re interested in learning on how to get better results from your strength training, then you’ll want to invest 20 minutes now to listen to this edition of Super Strength, where your host Nick Jaworski interviews Ray Toulany from about one of the biggest mistakes that people make during progressive strength training.

Strength training can enhance practically any type of workout. Runner’s World magazine suggests that regular strength training can help correct muscle imbalances or weaknesses often found in older runners. This interview is an opportunity to learn how to avoid strength training mistakes when incorporating it with your own workout.

The Origins of Progressive Strength Training

The episode kicks off with Ray sharing a bit about his background, and what inspired him to get into the world of strength training. With knowledge of a wide range of strength training methods, he also explains how he came full circle to goals of not only being strong, but also having the endurance to go with it.

Next Ray explains the concept of progressive strength training. He uses a historical reference from Ancient Greece to drive home the point that this concept is nothing new, and has actually been around for thousands of years.

If you aren’t including strength training in your current workout, then you’re only getting a portion of the health benefits that exercise offers.

How Strength Applies to Your Workout

Then Ray focuses the discussion on the “strength†part of the topic. He explains that it applies to a large variety of exercises beyond lifting weights. During the podcast he also answers these questions:

  • Is there a difference between athletics and strength training?
  • What is the best way to add strength training to my workout?
  • How does strength affect things like endurance and flexibility?
  • What goals should I set to see the progress of my workouts?
  • Do genetics play any role in my ability to be strong?

Now consider your own fitness regime. Does it include strength training, along with other forms of exercise? Are you setting goals that defy stereotypes and trends in favor of what you need for your physical health? If you answered no to either of these, then it’s time to reinvent how you work out.

Why Your Workout Needs Strength Training

Ray goes on to talk about how progressive strength training is different for each person based not only on their genetics, but also no their personal goals. He gives specific examples of how one person’s traits might prove beneficial in one area, but could cause strength training mistakes elsewhere.

You don’t have to look like a bodybuilder to benefit from progressive strength training. Ray shares the shape that most power lifters were in starting out, including Paul Anderson who squatted more than 1200 pounds in the 1960′s.

Strength training is one of the oldest forms of exercising where the goal is to increase your physical strength. With modern lifestyles creating more sedentary activities than ever, from work environments, to how we spend our free time, the need for strength training is greater than ever. What’s your excuse for not adding strength training to your workout program?

Ray wraps up the episode by sharing some advice for how those who do progressive strength training can measure their progress. He also shares strength training mistakes that can happen when your program is not set up properly.

Are You Ready for Progressive Strength Training?

Do you want to increase your physical strength? Could you use help avoiding strength training mistakes as you add these exercises to your workout? Listen to the entire podcast now, and then please use the space below to ask your questions and share your comments on the topic.

Ray Toulany has been working out for practically his entire life. He’s heard most of the advice on the topic, and now makes it his mission to help others separate fact from fiction so they can identify the difference between hype and solid training advice. Get started on increasing your own physical strength today…

Free Report for Increasing Strength in the Gym

This article is copyright Ray Toulany. All rights reserved.
Super Strength and Conditioning

Original post: Super Strength #001 – How to Avoid Strength Training Mistakes