Superhuman Show – All Terrain Human

Superhuman Show – All Terrain Human

SHS05: 7 Tips to Maximize Your Mobility

June 11, 2013

We are on episode 5 and I'm going over 7 tips that I believe will improve and simplify your mobility training!

I've come across almost every technique, tool, and exercise you can imagine. These 7 tips in this episode are what I believe universal good advice when it comes to mobility work.

In this episode
-  Brief overview of mobility
- The role of breathing in mobility
- Why mobility should work from the inside out
- Posture and the importance of it when stretching or myofascial release
- Why the BASIC myofascial release tools will probably do the job
- Why  test/retest is essential
- When to call a professional
Damian Ruse from Semi-Pro Cycling Podcast - Check out episode 44 of his show for some more good stuff on mobility

Kelly Starrett from MobilityWOD


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