SuperCabby Podcast

SuperCabby Podcast

Roshan Varma Interview - SuperCabby Podcast Episode 19

December 16, 2014

Roshan Varma – The Butterboy

In this episode of the SuperCabby Podcast I interview Roshan Varma.

I thought it would be interesting to hear a newly qualified London Taxi Driver’s view of doing the Knowledge of London and the way in which he views the trade of which he is now part.

Some of us did the knowledge quite a few years ago and I think that we have forgotten why we decided to become a London Taxi driver and what it is like to be a butter boy.

Roshan’s enthusiasm for the job is quite inspiring and he clearly he did the right thing in undertaking the knowledge.

Roshan also states that he thinks our trade definitely has a future, but we all need to pull together and have the desire to carve a future for our trade.

So where does the term ButterBoy come from, well I looked it up in the Urban Dictionary where it states the following

An affectionate term used to describe a man who likes other men in a way that he shouldn’t. Originates from the use of butter as an alternative form of lubrication. Also commonly refered to as arse pirate, up hill gardener or raving homosexual.
I aint going in that pub there’s no fanny, its full of f**king butter boys.

So when you refer to a driver as a butter boy and the passenger in the back looks at you in a strange way you now know why!

Within the London Taxi Trade the term Butter Boy or But A Boy is one which is used to describe a a London Taxi Driver who has recently acquired his “badge & bill”. It is generally considered that a driver remains a Butter Boy until he renews his license 3 years after first gaining it.

Roshan is a genuinely nice guy who is passionate about the London Taxi Trade and enjoys being a part of what he considers an honest and noble trade.

Future Episodes

I already have a number of future episodes of the podcast recorded and ready to be published, but I am always on the look out for anyone within the trade who has and interesting past or who has done or does something unusual within the trade, or anyone who has a strong opinion about our trade.

So if you can think of anyone who you would like to hear interviewed on the podcast, please get in touch and I will try to arrange it and slot the interview into the schedule.

Episodes that I am currently recording will be published in February/March

Thanks for listening to the podcast and if you have any suggestions on ways in which you think it could be improved then please get in touch, I am always open to criticism whether it may be positive or negative as we can all learn something new.

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