SuperCabby Podcast

SuperCabby Podcast

John Mason Interview - SuperCabby Podcast Episode 17

December 02, 2014

In this episode I interview John Mason former director of London Taxi & Private Hire (LTPH) or The Public Carriage Office as it was previously known.

Before meeting John we had an exchange of messages in which Joh  explained that there might be some things that he was unable to discuss openly due to being constrained by a legal agreement with TFL, but he also added that he would “push the boundaries” where he could.

I must say that John was very open during the interview and elaborated on most subjects without being prompted.

This interview gives the Taxi Driver an insight into the workings of TFL and LTPH and also confirms that Joh was there to do a job, which he believes he did very well, some may disagree with this but John also points out that he was restricted by those in positions above as to what he could and couldn’t do.

As this interview was over an hour in length and due to comments from some listeners I have decided publish the interview in two halves, so the second half will be in episode 18 of the podcast.

As always I am keen for your feedback on this interview and would like to hear your comments

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