Sundown Lounge

Sundown Lounge

Sundown Lounge #346

November 17, 2013

pic courtesy
"De`Menejer" - {tantrum}; Geeknotes: Benefit for the BeLoved Community, "The Suppression of Sound" - Thomas Sayers Ellis and saxophonist James Brandon Lewis @ Red Poppy Art House; Open Mic Stage: "stuck on my room" - Talking Coasty, "Friend Or Foe" - Aziz S, "Senandung" - Royal Ego, "Proganda" - Nivellism, "CRIMINAL JEDIKUTZ" - JEDIMONK; Map Room: Japanese inventor finds solution to global trash problem by converting plastic to oil, 3D printed human cells could end animal testing within 5 years, Cheap Hydrogen from Sunlight and Water; Venue Verite: Not this week; Music Bed: "Terbang Diam" "Terbakar Asa" "Mencari Di Antara" - emosijiwa