Eat Clean, Run Dirty Podcast

Eat Clean, Run Dirty Podcast

Latest Episodes

Cody Reed’s Flowing Locks & South African Adventures – Ep 82
February 26, 2020

Cody Reed is a badass trail runner. He runs to compete at both popular American trail races and big gnarly international ultras. He lives and trains in Flagstaff, AZ, is one of the Coconino Cowboys, has incredible hair, and is a pretty rad human.

Alie Columbus is Breaking Ultra – Ep 81
February 15, 2020

Alie Columbus of Boise, Idaho is set her sights on becoming an ultra runner. She picked out a pretty cool local trail race to be her first 50k experience, The Wilson Creek Frozen 50k. Alie talked with Jess right before the race about what most exciting...

Sabrina Stanley & Diagonale des Fous !! – Ep 80
February 03, 2020

Sabrina Stanley is the sweetest lady beast in the land. In this episode of the podcast Jess asks Sabrina about her experiences being the first American to ever win at the super rugged and beautiful Diagonale des Fous and what her goals are for 2020.

Getting Florida Wild w/ Sean Blanton – Ep79
January 20, 2020

Sean Blanton is race director and owner of Run Bum Tours, he’s a road and trail runner as well as having competed in hundreds of ultras, and he is a pretty rad guy with a passion for adventure. Sean is spending some time along the Florida Trail prepari...

Eamonn Powers Talks Tribe – Ep 78
October 28, 2019

Eamonn Powers discusses Last Horse Runners, Wayne Watch Podcast, Ultra Running Memes, and the beauty of the tribe that is the ultra running community. Sit back, throw some Pizza Rolls in that toaster oven, and enjoy this show.

Idaho Gratitude – Ep 77
October 21, 2019

Idaho is home to a wild and rugged 100 mile mountain race called IMTUF, or the Idaho Mountain Ultra Trail Festival. This September 2019 I traveled across the country with friends to complete this amazing event.

Depression & Owning Your Shit- Ep 76
July 13, 2019

In this episode Jess discusses depression, post race blues, and owning your shit. Are you having a personal crisis? Maybe it’s because you’ve completely abandoned yourself. Here’s a few thoughts and steps that may help.

Bighorn Is Everything – Ep 75
June 26, 2019

This is the race report of my 2019 attempt of the Bighorn 100. I made it to mile 78 in about 28.5 hours. It’s a hard thing to digest, a DNF at a hard mountain race. I definitely have 100 mile wreckage with my body, I trained my ass off,

Superfoods For Runners w/ Jett Croisant – Ep 74
May 13, 2019

As runners we ask our bodies to do all sorts of things for us. Long runs, strength training, intervals, pub runs, trail miles, lunges, yoga, and even pulling a car tire around. You get the picture. Our bodies are being punished pretty much daily.

Jason Green Just Wants You to Have Fun – Ep 73
April 18, 2019

Jason Green is a super cool guy. He always has a positive attitude and a big warm smile on his face. Jason genuinely wants everyone to feel like they belong and give them the opportunity to realize just what kinds of amazing things they can accomplish....
