Suffolk 'n' Cool - International Indie Music Podcast

Suffolk 'n' Cool - International Indie Music Podcast

SnC 406 - Sweet Soubrette

February 26, 2014

This week’s show features Sweet Soubrette in conversation.

An SnC special this week which focuses on one artist with a few tracks and a chance to hear about what makes music tick for her as well as the delights and trials of being a working musician in the hot-bed of musical endeavour that is Brooklyn, New York.

Our guest is Ellia Bisker who writes and performs in her own right as Sweet Soubrette well as collaborating on any number of other interesting projects.

Live Wire – Sweet Soubrette

Going Out Tonight – Kotorino

Port in a Storm – Sweet Soubrette

Be My Man – Sweet Soubrette 

There’s another video directed by Mark Simmons for What’s My Desire? by Sweet Soubrette in the show notes for SnC 396 where there’s more information about Sweet Soubrette.
