Success Stories With Gabbin Gail

Success Stories With Gabbin Gail

Episode 158 Blessings On A Monday!

August 31, 2015

Blessings On A Monday is great information for you!  You'll have to listen!
Why do I say that?  Because a lot of people need a jump start on the first day of the week, whether your day starts on a Monday or a Friday! So my day started out so awesomely I just had to share!

First was a walk with my daughter and grand dog, outside on a gorgeous morning!  Then I grabbed a cup of coffee and got on my partner Cynthia Bazin's blab on FOCUS!!!  We had some crazy echoing issues, but what incredible fun! is the new platform for connecting and sharing and growing your business!  You just need a webcam, a twitter account and off you go.  It's free, it's fabulous, it's soooooo fun!

I will be switching my interview segments to Blab and maybe more, it will depend as things go along!

After I got off there I got onto another one without echoes, yes, must watch out you don't get addictive, just like any social media platforms.  This one I believe is way more addictive!!!!

And then I opened an email that brought tears to my eyes - you'll have to listen to hear that.  And then more about a special 'coloring' gift I received.

I have to confess as much as I love to write - I feel you'll get more from listening to me...

Here's a link you need after you listen:

Then run on over and set up a quick Twitter  account and then go over to and join in some fabulous fun!

So I'm passing on more than a smile today,  I am passing on my blessings and asking you to find some in your day to share with everyone.  Each day brings new challenges and hiccups we'd rather wish away, but if they can't be wished away, find something else to focus on that will bring more light into your life!

BIG Hugs and A BIG Thank you for being a blessing in my life,