Success Stories With Gabbin Gail

Success Stories With Gabbin Gail

Episode 152 Are You Learning and Researching?

August 12, 2015

Are you learning about new tools and way to improve your business profitability, attract new clients?
Because here's what I know, not only do you have to keep up on the trends around your business, but you also have to research what you learn.

Today I just spent 3 hours on 2 webinars - both very relevant to my show.  I knew just by the sponsors that the end cost, even though a deal today while I'm on there live, would be more than I am in a position to invest.

However, I did not make that decision, until I researched the first one on building traffic.  I did not see bad reports on the reviews, but I did see some perspective on the service in general.  And that was enough to calm me down, because yes this expert, I know and have purchased a few of his tools in the past or subscribed to a course; so he's good at pulling you in.

So my show today is just to remind you that although something sounds like a great solution, research it some more, maybe do a "Ben Franklin Close" on yourself.  You know two lists, side by side, pros and cons of buying that particular tool or service :-)  It's one of my best barometer's!

And the second webinar was an all encompassing podcast/website service that would have cost me about $700 more a year then what I spend now.  But the biggest downfall for me, even though this puts me in a membership group with about 800 other podcasters, I would have a steep learning curve and time needed to transition my site over.  Not to mention, what if I no longer wanted to have that service, I'd be up the creek without a podcast show!!!

Again, know what you need before you buy the new sparkly toy.  Take it from someone that has bought way too many, way too often!

Passing On A Smile,