Success Stories With Gabbin Gail

Success Stories With Gabbin Gail

Episode 129 1,000 Gifts Challenge For You and Me

June 17, 2015

 1,000 Gifts Have you heard about it?
My podcast yesterday proved to be just the beginning of my journey about Caregivers.  Little did I know that my women's group would be all about that very subject...

Usually, we talk business, share what we could use to help our latest projects, share upcoming networking events, etc.  But last night was entirely different.  We had some healing to do all around the room.

One of our members has been missing more than she has attended.  In 2012 just shortly before she started coming to us her husband had an accident that has disrupted their entire lives, still today.  She called out of the blue yesterday and wanted to know if we were meeting.  We later learned she had been struggling with his despair and depression and was reaching out to help herself.

My other friend I did reference on my show shared more about her mother and how she is totally unable to help her mother.  She just has to walk away because of the incredible resistance her mother gives her in everything.  How awful that must feel.

And so it went around the room, there were 8 of us.  And the meeting went well into the evening and I shut the door as they were leaving at 11:00 PM - most unusual.  Husbands were texting and calling, our meetings usually break up by 9 - 9:30 PM.  But it was evident it was needed.

As we were doing our gratitude moments our one friend challenged us to undertake a challenge she had just received at her Bible study.  To start keeping a list of 1,000 gifts.  I researched it and read about the book on - quite the story and quite the profound challenge she has given us...

And I knew instantly I would pass it on to you, my listen in for more and then please pass it on...lots of people may be in need of counting their gifts.

Passing On A Smile,