Submitted For Your Approval - A Twilight Zone Podcast

Submitted For Your Approval - A Twilight Zone Podcast

S4YA S2E29 – The Obsolete Man – Twilight Zone - Submitted For Your Approval - A Twilight Zone Podcast

April 21, 2018

On a brand new episode of the podcast, we talk about the power of The State vs. the Everyman in the season 2 finale episode, “The Obsolete Man”!

This week’s guest is on the Board of Directors for the Rod Serling Memorial Foundation. He’s also coming out with a book through the University Press of Mississippi, “Rod Serling: His Life, Work, and Imagination”. I’m incredibly lucky to have on the show this week, Nicholas Parisi!
After we discuss “The Obsolete Man”, he and I talk about the Foundation and his upcoming book!
To hear more from Nicholas and for news on his encyclopedic level book on Rod Serling, head to the Facebook page. 
Finally, be sure to look at all the goings on over at the Rod Serling Memorial Foundation.
SHOW NOTES – The Obsolete Man
Originally aired: May 30, 1961
Stars: Fritz Weaver (Chancellor), Burgess Meredith (Wordsworth), Josip Elic (still alive)
Directed by: Elliot Silverstein (4 episodes)
Written by: Rod Serling
In an unnamed dystopian reality, a librarian, Romney Wordsworth, is found to be obsolete. The State, as it is called, gives Wordsworth 48 hours to choose his method of execution (or liquidation). Wordsworth requests a private assassin to detail the means of his death, as well as to have the State televise the event. His request is granted.
During the evening of his execution, the Chancellor visits Wordsworth. After a brief discussion, the Chancellor finds that he is locked in the room… along with the bomb Wordsworth has chosen as his preferred method of execution. Though the Chancellor stays mostly calm, as he awaits his newfound mortality, he eventually cracks under the strain. Wordsworth unlocks the door and sets the Chancellor free, seconds before the bomb explodes.
The Chancellor then shows back up to the court where a tribunal quickly proclaims that he is obsolete…
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