Stuff I Learned Yesterday

Stuff I Learned Yesterday

583- Driving Success

September 08, 2021

I never get tired of hearing the sound of the MGB GT starting up, and I thought it might be appropriate to record this final episode of the season in the very object that this season has been about. So I hope you don't mind the sounds of my car. I thought we'd take it for a little drive today. Every time I get in this car, it's a satisfying and joyful feeling. I can't help but get a smile on my face. I just love this car. I mean, I love the car, I love the look of the car, and all that stuff. That's why I got the car. But this car is so much more than that. This car brings satisfaction every time I drive it because of what it represents. It represents a goal achieved, and that's just incredibly satisfying. When I get in it and I think about what it represents and having set a goal and then achieved that goal, it reminds me that there are more goals out there to achieve. I think, of the struggle that it took to get to this point, it and it invigorates me and inspires me. It gives me excitement and belief that I can face other challenges that come my way. There's a lot of satisfaction in that, but even if I hadn't gone through all of the ordeals that I went through to get to this point, even if I hadn't had to rewire the car, there would still be a tremendous amount of satisfaction with the car simply because of what it represents. And that is, it represents a goal being set and achieved. Read More...