The Now and Again Radio from House of Imp and JennyK - Serious Nonsense

The Now and Again Radio from House of Imp and JennyK - Serious Nonsense

01 HOI – The contemplation corner with JennyK – (Flash Monologues) Week 1 – What is this thing?

January 07, 2018

Flash Monologues - Week 1 - Oh, why? What the hell is this thing?

The first week of 2018. In the real world it was a terrible week. But, as any week, it had seven days and far too many random thoughts to be summed up in a short bit of JennyK speak. But I try. I'm starting, to gather my thoughts, to organize my recent past, to allow all my collections of moments to congeal. Makes little sense. But it works in my head.

Take care
