The Now and Again Radio from House of Imp and JennyK - Serious Nonsense

The Now and Again Radio from House of Imp and JennyK - Serious Nonsense

House of Imp 36 – Christmas. Bah! In the end it’s just another day and a reason to make music

December 23, 2017

Christmas 2017 - Bill and Jen talk crap about Christmas - Well, kind of...

In the end, Christmas is just another day, another number in the calendar, and an opportunity to behead turkeys and turn off the radio. Jen and Bill have likes and dislikes and can't resist letting you know what they think about overspending, Christmas obsession in general, a bit about great gifts for the visually impaired, and cardboard boxes.

Hotsauce in my Eggnog
Arranged and produced by Bill Babcock with help from
Andrea on drums and
Anton adding the bass.

It's been an interesting year and we're looking forward to an awesome 2018 with more disorganized podcasting, more Imp, more music, and even more conversations about things that may or may not matter.

Merry Christmas everyone, be it in joy or misery, it's all good.

Until next year.
House of Imp - Out.
JennyK, Bill, and Imp - Staying away from live turkeys since Christmas.