The Now and Again Radio from House of Imp and JennyK - Serious Nonsense

The Now and Again Radio from House of Imp and JennyK - Serious Nonsense

House of Imp 30 – To do lists paving the road to hell – depression, friends, reasons, excuses.

September 11, 2017

Here's what, why, and shit I don't know.

Imp has the day off for unknown reasons so I'm left to my own thoughts.
The transition from Studio Chaotic to House of Imp has started. But that's not what this is about. It is however the reason for missing the audio intro. I simply needed to get something out there. Me, not JennyK, not Imp.
And this is what can happen when I'm left to do too much thinking. :)

Catch ya next time with updates on the slightly different podcast format and other stuff I can't think of at the moment.
