The Now and Again Radio from House of Imp and JennyK - Serious Nonsense

The Now and Again Radio from House of Imp and JennyK - Serious Nonsense

House of Imp 28 Leeches, kids, and other parasites

August 12, 2017

What's the difference between parasites and adult children living at home?

Well, sometimes none that I can see.

There are times when and episode is begging me to be recorded, then screaming at me to not be heard.
This is one of those.

There's too much truth here, and I'm throwing people under the bus. That is not like me. so it was hard to decide. In the end I did a few small revisions and added both my reservations and my stubborn need to say what I need to say. the truth, but only part of it, with a few mean jokes along the way. Those were Imp's idea though. Honest! :D

Kids moving back home indefinitely or simply never bothering to grow up to move out in the first place. That is what I'm talking about here. don't get me wrong; helping out ones children is a good thing. It's natural, it's the right thing to do. It's when the power dynamic shifts and the "temporary" becomes "indefinitely" and unreasonable becomes normal and the trap has closed that is the real issue. It's far too common and creates so many problems. It's easy to immediately use the word "millennial" -- The entitled generation. I say it's easy but I don't necessarily agree with it. Generalizing is always dangerous and I try hard not to do that. But the sad truth is that it's the horrible examples that gets showcased. It's not fair because I know it's still a small fraction of children in their twenties and early thirties who appear to be just like described; entitled freeloading young adults thinking the world owes them something, kids taking no responsibility for their own behaviour, individuals who tend to use guilt to blame their parents into giving them what they want so they don't have to work for it.

It's not all children. and to be fair, not all parents are saints. Too many kids lack support of any kind from their parents. Sometimes shit happens to kids and it has nothing to do with their parents. But I'm not talking about any of that today. It's a completely different episode, with another personal story. I can only handle so much honesty in one go. :D

So that is that. disclaimers and reservations complete. and it is funny. If you feel targeted and offended on behalf of yourself or someone you know, keep in mind that this is my truth. And it was all Imp's idea anyways.
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JennyK and Imp - cleaning up other people's crap since 2010.

Production and sound design: Jenny K Brennan.
Promo bit: Bill Babcock.
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