Struggling Entreprenuer

Struggling Entreprenuer

299- Should an Entrepreneur’s learning curve be at the client’s expense?

July 23, 2016

In this episode of The Struggling Entrepreneur podcast, we narrate a blogpost by Lisa Wells of Virtual Assistant   that deals with the question:

Should you charge your client for your learning curve?

Lisa Wells probes into three questions that entrepreneurs should ask themselves when they are considering the costs and fees of their training and education to get over the learning curve for the skillsets needed to deliver successful projects to their clients:

To charge or not to charge? ("that is the question")
Is it something that is proprietary?
Can you apply your new skill to other clients?

After the narration of the blogpost, there are editorial comments from The Struggling Entrepreneur host about mindset for training, education, experience and quality for charging clients for delivering the services or deliverables as promised to clients.

As you will hear in this audio episode, Lisa Wells has had her analysis of charging --or recovering-- education and training in different scenarios with clients. And so does the editorial comments.

Select this link to listen to the audio episode in another window.

Copyright (c) 2016, Matrix Solutions Corporation (for editorial content) and Lisa Wells of (for repurposed and narrated content). All rights reserved.