Strength Side Podcast: Strength | Fitness | Philosophy | Mindset

Strength Side Podcast: Strength | Fitness | Philosophy | Mindset

SSP: 25 Anterior Pelvic Tilt, Lordosis, Over-extension

April 04, 2015

Anterior Pelvic Tilt Podcast!

Anterior Pelvic Tilt and Lordosis can cause a lot of issues from pains and injuries to losing force and poor performance. We discuss in depth the reasons why people get into this bad postural position, the problems it can bring you, and the best ways to go about fixing it.

The Fix Lordosis Project is a complete program that helps correct Anterior Pelvic Tilt and Lordosis. We combat the issue from all angles by fixing muscle imbalances, learning hip awareness and bracing, strengthening the glutes and core muscles, and practicing simple movements. We believe that this complete program is the best way to go about correcting lordosis and anterior pelvic tilt because we teach you the big picture of what you are trying to accomplish and then we give you a road map to get there.

We have worked with many individuals with anterior pelvic tilt and we battled this bad posture ourselves for many years. This has led us to this collective knowledge of the best ways to teach and correct these issues. Our hope is to help anyone having bad back pain or poor performance in their sport. Make sure to check out all our free online content and if you are serious about fixing your problems and want a complete guide, check out the

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