Strength Side Podcast: Strength | Fitness | Philosophy | Mindset

Strength Side Podcast: Strength | Fitness | Philosophy | Mindset

SSP 22 – Let’s talk Nutrition and Diet – Calories, Macros, Food Exclusions

March 14, 2015

Nutrition and Diet
Nutrition and Diet is one of those things man. One of those things that everyone has an opinion on and everyone is willing to give advice on. Before you listen in know that we aren't nutrition experts! But we have done our research and we have been around the block in this field a bit. We talk about the number one most important thing in achieving a desired body composition - fat loss, muscle gain, performance, etc. That number one thing is calories. You have to have an idea of how many calories you consume on any given day and you have to have an idea of how many calories you should consume to achieve whatever your goal is. It's that simple. That's 90-98% of the work right there. After that, lets have an idea of what macronutrients are. Carbs, Proteins, and Fats, If you have all that dialed in you're pretty good to go and it just takes applying that knowledge to your diet to achieve your goal physique or performance. We also cover:

Exclusionary Diets
Counting Calories
Eating for Performance
Gluten free
Flexible Dieting
Clean Eating
Under estimating food
Maintenance and Performance
When to use Meal Timing

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